SelfCare Tools

Choose Your…..

Choosing your Community shouldn’t be taken lightly.  Your community (or Tribe) is there to support you during the good times and the bad.

Choose your community wisely. Choose relationship that replenish you. Choose the people who give to the relationship as much as you do, in whatever way they can. Your community is there for you, just as much as you are there for them.

Consider if you might have some toxic relationships that need to be reconsidered. You might feel like they are one-sided or you are constantly drained by them. Perhaps you never feel understood or heard, or that boundaries are constantly being crossed. While you can’t control the actions of others, you can choose your own.

Choose multiple. Know that not one person can be your everything. All the people in our lives fulfill a need. Each is a puzzle piece of a magnificent picture. Each one, no matter how deep or superficial, serves a purpose.

Be Happy, Be Sad and Be Surrounded with your Community.

So many times in our lives we become complacent. We wait for what we want to come to us. We wait for the perfect job to fall into our laps, hope the perfect relationship is around the corner, or that something will magically change to make us happy so we can finally have the perfect life. Complacency is a choice. Choose a life of intention.

Choose your Path! Take control and decide where YOU want to go. So many people live life based on the expectations of others. While you can become successful doing this, it often leaves you with a hollow feeling. Consider the following: What do you want? Where do you want to go? What do you want to be? What do you value? What would truly fulfill you?

Choose the path that is right for you- even if that means taking the path less travelled.

It is time to choose your own adventure! To get lost. To find new places. To discover you. Follow your intuition and let your heart lead you where you want to go.

Make mistakes, take the wrong road, turn left when you should turn right – you never know where it may lead you.
And when you do get lost – look around and ask yourself if you are really lost?

Your Adventure Awaits – embrace it.

Choose your happy place – and yes you have permission to have more than one!

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