Danielle Stories,  SelfCare Tools

Cold and Flu Season: Self-Care is a Journey

Posted on Instagram – Sept 20th

It’s cold and flu season – and I have a cold! 

All through school I used to push myself through colds, well past my breaking point. I knew there was no way I could miss a class, I would fall behind, and it would be the end of the world.

It’s bizarre that I held onto these beliefs for so long, even though I was in a profession that preached self-care. Yet with the competitive environment, I came to believe that I was exempt from this rule.

Shortly after graduating I found myself in my first real job and holding onto my previous beliefs. I came into work sick almost every day, probably spreading germs everywhere.  I was sick for the majority of the winter and even blew out an ear drum trying to blow my nose… or at least that’s why I assume I couldn’t hear out of one ear for 4 months…. I didn’t afford myself the time to go to the doctor.

Finding myself sick today and further along in my self-care journey, I made the hard decision to cancel my clients and REST. I value giving to my body to heal.

I value not passing germs. I value giving to my body time to heal. I value being fully present with my clients, something I can’t do when I’m congested and foggy. It has taken a lot of time, but I am getting there, and I know it means I will be able to give to others EVEN MORE!

I value giving to my body time to heal.

Where are you in your self-care journey? What beliefs do you need to challenge?

Danielle & the Blank Slate Coaching Team

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