Getting to know you,  SelfCare Tools


There have been so many times in my life when I felt hurt or let down. Sometimes it’s by someone else, but other times I feel like I let myself down. After reflecting, in sooo many of these instances, my expectations were too high!

It’s so important to set realistic expectations for yourself and others. The next time you feel disappointed, check to see if your expectations were too high. Maybe the person you were disappointed by didn’t have the ability to show up the way you wanted. This doesn’t mean that they don’t have great things to offer-just that we may need to manage expectations.

Take for example our friend the penguin. You expect that they should be able to fly- they have wings after all!! You could spend your entire life being disappointed that they don’t fly when you want or need them to, but the fact of the matter is they just can’t! They can still do a ton of cool stuff though!

Celebrate the things they can do and forgive them for the things they can’t.

They’re still beautiful in their own right!

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