Business Coaching

Blank Slate – What’s in a name? Hell of a lot!

Life, Wellness and Business Coaching

What’s in a Name – A Hell of A Lot Actually!
My attempt to be crafty – needs work – Blank Slate Coaching.

The Name Blank Slate is exactly what it sounds and means – a fresh start.  I have always believed in getting back to the basics, cleaning up the back yard, and starting fresh.  Pushing away all the CLUTTER and finding out what the true problem and/or DREAMS may be.  Blank Slate represents the type of Coaching I provide – for Life, Business and Wellness. 

When I work with my clients we literally start with a Blank Slate – no judgement of past, present or future.  I want to understand who they are (what makes them tick and get out of bed in the morning – or maybe not getting out of bed).  To do that we need to start fresh…we need wipe their slate clean and get to start talking.

Let’s Begin – First Date

Our first time meeting is all about getting to know you – and for you to get to know me.  Are we a good fit?  There is no shame in not fitting – at least we tried right?!

Next, we start talking about ALL of your plans and concerns – I want to know all about your ideas – even the OMG I can’t tell you ones! 

Then we start sorting through the ideas and work to get back to your basics – starting with a Blank Slate. We pull out YOUR gems of goals and dreams – and roadblocks – and start coming up with the short-term game plans and tools to overcome the roadblocks.  I help you stay accountable to your plan – and YES we have FUN while doing it!

Daisy ‘may’ help us with getting out all the details – Blank Slate Coaching

Let’s work through your clutter together – this can be in your life, your work, or in your wellness.  

Want to learn more – or want to get to work – drop me an email and lets set up a time Jen@blankslatecoaching.ca

Hashtags for Marketing purposes – and because I have to for sales purposes (full transparency)….

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