Blank Slate,  Business Coaching

Starting a Business ? Start with a Plan!

Starting a Business Should Start with a Plan – Business Plan

The thought of creating a business plan can be overwhelming and super intimidating. However I would argue before you even create a formal coil-bound plan you need to get back to basics and understand your business plan needs to be. What are you truly working towards?

Where to start? There is so much to do, and so much you want to do – and so much that you may not want to do!

I totally get it, and I have been there in my business and my clients businesses. Guess What – I can help!!

Before you can have a Business Plan you need a Plan!

Starting a Business – The Plan (Business Plan)

I love the idea of anyone starting their own business πŸ’• – it is like Christmas πŸŽ„ Morning to me to hear this. I want to hear more…..and unwrap their plan….and then help /support assembling the Plan.

As quickly as the excitement peaks, there is the undramatic fail statements — β€œbut I don’t know where to start – help? I know what I want…but?”  

I can literally see and hear their brains in overload trying to think of all things they want and need to do – and the things they don’t want to do…but will need to do. Overwhelming for sure!

Starting a Business

Here’s the thing there is no perfect way to start your business – if there was everyone would be starting in gang busters launching and crushing their businesses and we would all be millionaires.

However I would argue that is one to way to start – but is that true? Starting is starting however you say it.

YES this is scary – YES it can also filled with fun shit – YES there is so much to need and things you will want to do!

So What to do first? Where to start? Do this, but not this, okay but this, and this and that, and oh what about, and uggg I should have done this…….

You Need to Calm Down – T. Swift

Just Jokin – don’t calm down! Let’s channel this excitement and feelings of hurl and get organized…you got this. We got this!

Now let’s get to my version of Where to Start Your Business – ultimately we need to get yourself in order.Β 

Let’s get you organized, understand your priorities, and of course get to work! We need a plan…you need a Plan!

Technically you have already started mentally and psychologically – now it is time to get physical – you need to START….and no not the sexy-sexy kind of physical or the leg warmers teased hair kind….but that could be fun too?? Focus!

First STEP In Starting a Business: Write it Down – Duh!?

Pretty simple right ? One foot in front of the other…..seriously if you don’t take one step there is no support for the second step……wow that was deep lol..

One of the first exercises I do with my clients is to go through their goals and priorities.   It is the biggest brainstorming exercise you can imagine – and it is 100% fun…seriously and super old school.

Dare to Dream BIG

If you want to start a business, or you are in the middle of starting a business, having FOCUS on where the beginning, middle and end game is crucial to understanding all the steps, pieces, hurdles, roadblocks, tasks, milestones, and bumps that you need to cover off.  The best way to do this is to STOP, SIT AND Get FOCUSED.

Let’s Write ✍️ it ALL DOWN.

The OH SO NOT Secret Strategy to Outlining YOUR Plan

I have created a not-so-secret strategy to helping YOU get organized in your business and life planning. This strategy is very straight forward, however the hardest part is actually starting the exercise….are you ready to get serious and make your plans a reality? Open your mind – let’s go.

What Supplies needed:
  • Option 1:  Two colours of Post-it notes, and a pencil (or crayon — doesn’t matter), or
  • Option 2:  Two different colour markers and paper.  A note pad, or 8×10 sheets of paper ripped into four squares … you get it you need paper!
  • Floor Space – Clear away the toys, put the dog away, and focus.

Note: Please do not run out and BUY anything – find what is available around your home. Don’t make having the ‘right’ tools available to avoiding doing this exercise.

Let’s Get To Work – and START!

PHASE 1 – The Brainstorming

STEP 1 – Deep Breath

Deep Breath Again – And Again ….get all Zen’ish if you want. To each their own on how to chill out and calm down.

Brainstorming –Round 1: 

  • Each colour (marker or post-it note) will represent a personal/family or your business. Corresponding with Business or Personal write down a goal or a task that you are wanting to get done. 
    • Ex – Business (Colour #1)): Make a $1/month; Create a logo; Set up a Website; Learn to excel spreadsheet; set up a home office; take a course; secure funding…
    • Ex – Family/Personal (Colour #2): Spend time with family; Work from home; take a yoga class; have kids; Find a therapist; travel more…
  • Go wild on writing down your ideas – don’t stop, no limit on how many you want to write out. 
  • Give yourself 30 min at least to digest this – including walk away time.

Tip: There is NO limit to the number of pieces of paper/ideas – write until your brain is empty. All ideas are writable.


The 24 hours Wait – Walk away from your brainstorming and sleep it off.  Have your shower thoughts. Dance around and shake things up. Go for a Walk – do the nature 🌳thing! Think about the brainstorm.  Any new goals coming up?

STEP 3: Brainstorming – Round 2: 
  • Add any more ideas – write them down – the more the merrier!
  • Next – Separate the piles of ideas into Business and Personal
    • I recommend doing this exercise in your office space or on big ass table.  You will need lots of space to lay out the papers.
Business Plan

PHASE 2Short vs. Long Term Goals

Now we start to ORGANIZE all this paper!! First we are going to focus the on Business pile (Note: the same strategy will apply to your personal pile):

Hint: In order to achieve your goals you will need to hammer through some or a lot of tasks. And some of those tasks will need even more tasks.

Reflection Time

Time to stand back and look at the collection of goals and tasks under business – it should look amazing lol.  Recommend taking a picture with your phone of this collection.

Ask yourself:

  • Can you identify your short term vs. long term goals?
  • Is one of your goals a task? Or is one of your tasks a goal?
  • What is missing from your brainstorming?

Task: Next let’s Separate out the short term and long term goals.

Hint: Your long term goals will / should / may require all your short term goals to be completed (example below).

For Part 3 we will focus on all the short term goals and tasks.
  • Long Term Goal example : To have over $100k in income; To franchise; To have zero debt.
  • Short Term Goals examples: Create Brand, Launch Website; Make $1000/month; Take a Course.

PHASE 3 Short Term Game Plan

Step 1:

Place your Short Term Goals at the top of your space.

  • Under each goal place the tasks that need to be done to achieve that particular goal. Note – there could be overlap between goals – that’s okay.
Step 2:

All of your papers should be now place under a Goal.

Almost there – Phew….exhausted yet….no you are not. You are having Fun!!! Right!!?? Take a Deep Breath….you got this.

Step 3:

Under each Goal re-arrange all of your items under your goals in order of priority – and don’t try to put them in order of personal preference, logical order please.

The Plan – aka “Business Plan

PHASE 4 Schedule!

Time to make a schedule! It is time to put your feet to the pavement and come up with a schedule – due dates, milestones, game plan. Under each of your goals you have identified tasks, put these in order of logic and priority.

Did you Know? When you have set timelines (schedule) the probability of actually completing the task goes up exponentially. Having a coach or an accountability buddy almost 100% guarantees your tasks will get done. Guess what – if your tasks get done then your short term goals get completed, which then steamrolls to a higher probability your LONG term goals become attainable.

Tip: I hight recommend entering all of your Goals and Tasks into a spreadsheet – see attached for a Free Template.  This way you can sort, organize and check off easily the tasks that need to get done.  Print it off if you want – I love a good sharpie check mark on any task.

More FREE Tools for you!! To continue to help you out so I have set up a Business Planning workbook to organize your goals and tasks. If you need a little extra help with working excel – don’t be shy and drop me an email. Happy to provide support.

FREE Excel Workbook

What about Long Term Goals?

Okay to be honest this post is way too long so I am wrapping it up and will post soon on Long Term Goal Management. My advise to you right now -. to keep it simple and put your goals on Display. Stare at your goals often. Adjust your goals as needed – but keep the essence of your goals locked down.

As for a Formal Business Plan – such a pretty document lol.

If you are filing for funding / loan I would suggest you don’t need a coil bound document. Your “Business Plan” is your plan. If you have mapped out your goals and put in timelines – you have a Business Plan. If you do need a formal one – you have all the information you just need to make it pretty….and yes I can hep you with too. I have a couple hundred business plans under my belt πŸ˜‰.

Thank you taking the time to read through this novel of a post – I appreciate your time and your attention.

All the best in outlining your game plan. If you need any support please do not hesitate to give me a call. I am happy to coach/mentor you through the plan from just the beginning, or all the way through.

Drop me an email and let’s get to work!

Jen –

πŸ“· Credit – Unsplash: Kinga CichewiczPlush Design Studio,  Kelly Sikkema. My own iphone lol.

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