SelfCare Tools

Secret Recipe toward Wellness

5 Key Ingredients

It’s not uncommon for us to feel stuck or in a slump. We all get there sometimes – and it can feel tortuous or impossible to pull ourselves out. Maybe you’re feeling really deep into it, or maybe it’s just a feeling of running through the motions, getting stuck in the hustle and bustle of the day to day. Sound familiar? We’ve all been there. Luckily, the road out – though seemingly difficult – is actually quite simple.

The not-so-secret recipe is made up of FIVE key ingredients!

The recipe does not provide a guarantee – but the ingredients do provide a starting point for you to start taking control.  The key ingredient is actually YOU — YOU need to want to do the work.  YOU need to decide to start working on YOU.

Warning:  Simple does not mean easyThe ingredients in this recipe are very often hard to do and/or manage daily. Please don’t feel defeated — each small step counts!

There is no right or wrong way to complete the recipe – make it enjoyable!  I recommended including each ingredient in your life daily!  This recipe should be reviewed often and utilized more frequently when you are feeling low.

Some Ideas to Get Started in Building Your Own Recipe with the FIVE Key Ingredients….

    • Look for one small task that you can accomplish, maybe one you’ve been avoiding
    • Respond to an email or phone call
    • Clean out a drawer or empty the dishwater
  • Let’s get PHYSICAL
    • Do something – anything – that is physical
    • Go for a five min walk – or longer 🙂
    • Choose the stairs or park further away than you need to
    • Squat it out in front of the TV or in the Kitchen – start with 10, and work your way up
    • Dance around your room in your underpants! With the blinds closed….
    • Call a friend for a chat
    • Meet a friend for a coffee date
    • Spend time with family in a way that’s meaningful to you, even if that’s just discussing TV or sports
  • Soothe yourself with SELF-CARE
    • This will look different to everyone!
    • Listen to that audiobook you’ve been meaning to get to, or do it old school and read an actual book
    • Stretch it out
    • Set aside time to journal or do a meditation
    • Take a bubble bath
  • Have FUN
    • The sky is the limit on this one – we can suggest a million things, but for this one is a blank slate (see what we did there?). Who are we to tell you what you think is fun?? So instead, we will tell you what we think is fun for us.
    • Jen – Hanging my friends, watching my kids play hockey (most times), and going to the beach.
    • Danielle – Playing sports terribly with amazing people, watching my dogs at the dog park (most times), and finding a great patio for some delicious eats.

Note – you can cover multiple areas at once! If you and a friend have a dance party while meal prepping together, you’ve covered social, productive, self-care, physical, and fun ALL IN ONE! And it’s not even cheating!!!

If you feel you are having trouble with this recipe – you are not alone.  The good thing that is what I am here for.  Give me a shout and let’s start the conversation on what your recipe looks like today and in the future.

If you don’t feel low – fabulous – continue to perfect your own recipe.

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