Life Coaching

Shame Management

Kicking Shame to the Fwking Curb

Today I am sharing with you that Shame Management is a constant practise. A couple of years ago I went to Italy with my friends, and I lived my best life. Feels of shame were no where to be found, but when I got home – the Shame Rollercoaster I went on was horrible. Here is what I learned…..

Italy – No Shame Management Required
Tourist Moment – Venice, Italy

This is one of my favorite all-time pictures.  I am with my bestie Pam in Venice!  We were trying to copy the other tourists classic jump shot – and we nailed it first attempt.

A shot with the Husband

This picture has no shame – no shame management was required or needed. We were proud, care free and didn’t a crap about what anyone thought about us….no one knew us!

Post Trip Reality – SHAME overload!

The trip was beyond perfect, but I didn’t talk a lot about it when we returned home. While away, and when we returned home, I had major #shame and #impostersyndrome issues. I so full of shame that I turtled and didn’t talk about it – to really anyone. In my head I felt that I didn’t feel like I deserve to be this happy 😟 – let me tell you that I was 100% wrong in my thinking.  I know this now.

Guess What??


This trip was about turning 40, fighting depression/anxiety, celebrating anniversaries, celebrating friendship and why the hell not travel to Italy (and Spain!)

Oh Just Rome’s Colessum

I look back at this trip and I am sooooooo grateful the time, my friends (and the Husband) and the adventures we had.

Shame Management – Lesson Learned: 

When Shame comes creeping in we need to ask ourselves why? If the answer is because of what others may think – then kick we need to kick our shame to the curb.  Tell it to bugger the fwak off – Shame Management!

Livin’ it up in Florence

Embrace your happiness and be selfish in making some amazing memories – Shame Management! We are so critical of ourselves and how we spend out time – this needs to stop. Embracing our happiness is our rights as humans.

I give you permission to be selfishly happy! Shame Management!

If you are concerned of what others think – let me remind you (and tell you)– there is a very good chance these people are not thinking about you…..they have their own issues to deal with! Shame Management!

In the event that your friends, family or co-workers do vocalize your shame concerns — these people are not your people. Walk away. These individuals may be toxic to you – you need people to support you and bring you up. Like I said earlier – they most likely have their own issues. Shame Management!

Also – Envy and Jealous are ugly – just sayin’. Shame Management!

Like what your reading – give me a follow for more, and check out my blog for stories and insight into wellness and healthier thinking.  I want to challenge all of you to choose you over the perceptions of others. Let’s retrain your thinking ;).


Want to work with me? Sure ya do!  Drop me an email @ jen@blankslatecoaching.ca. Or make an appointment….

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