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Single Step to Start Moving Forward

Moving Forward After MY Goals

A single step is all it takes – but it can be the hardest step you ever take.  For me – taking the first step to start moving forward to task grasp of my own dreams took years!

There were many ‘wants’ to take the first step – but I chickened out, wussed out and had so much doubt in myself I just gave up.  I questioned whether I was ever good enough or entitled to pursue my goals.

How did my first step towards my goals happen? 

Well it happened with a small external push – just enough to get me movin.  The second step was even harder, and the next, and the next after that. 

Here’s the odd thing – the hard steps became normal and not as scary as I assumed they would be. I stopped over questioning myself and reeled in the doubt in myself.  What harm was really going to happen? None really – well some risks – but that’s okay too. 

Have I reached my dream?

NOPE!  But I am not giving up – and personally I feel so accomplished just to be on this journey toward this dream, and I am ready to move forward to take on more dreams that I have been putting off over the years. 

Lesson Learned for me – reaching my dream is actually not my goal – my goal was just taking the first step…to move forward….and right now I am having fun running, falling and learning!

If you have a goal that you have been putting off – I get it.  I am happy to work with you in taking your first step.  Check out the run down of who I am to see if we are a good fit.

Let’s compare notes on our first steps together – drop me an email jen@blankslatecoaching.ca

Jen –

Posted on Instagram – Sept 28th

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