Accountability Coaching,  Life Coaching

Time is an Asset we May be Wasting

If Time is an Asset – am I spending it wisely? Are you using it wisely?

Time doesn’t stop

I have been doing a lot of reflection on my own use of time. Conversations and debates about time and how we spend it is coming up a lot in my conversations with clients, friends and family. These reflections and conversations are deep and powerful – time is too precious to make it any less. Time deserves more of our attention.

Maybe it is covid, or I am getting older, or maybe my needs and wants have changed/evolved? Whatever the reason in the last year my perspective and appreciation of time has changed.

I am much more protective of my time. I am more grateful of the time I have and I have a greater appreciate in the time that is gifted to me by others.

Time is an Asset we ALL have Access Too

Consider. There is NO one person right now that has more or less time than the person standing next to them….not talking lifespan. Time is an asset that we don’t buy off Amazon or can quickly pick up at Walmart on the way home from work.

We are all EQUAL in the amount of time we have – but what differentiates us is ‘how we spend it’.

Are We Spending Our Time Wisely?
Take the time for YOU.

As a society we invest so much in tangible ‘stuff’ with the hopes of bringing more happiness to ourselves or for others. We may shower our friends and family with gifts. Or, maybe we invest in a new toy for ourselves that we then share with our friends. We spend to fulfill a short term need, and hopefully a long term benefit. Whatever we invest tangibly there is a good chance that time spent with an individual is still worth more.

Our Most Richest Asset – Time

Any tangible investment in the moment in time is exciting, amazing and fun, but if you had to choose between more time with a lost loved one and that investment – would you choose to spend more money…or to slow down and be more present.

If you could have slowed down time as your kids grew out of their training wheels — would you choose to spend more money…or to slow down and be more present.

If you could go back in time and make a small change so that a friendship would be deeper – would you choose to spend more money…or to slow down and be more present.

Time is the biggest and most wasted asset we all have.

Slow Down and Be Present

In keeping it simple and to the point – take the time to consider how you are spending your time? How are others spending time with you (not on you).

When we take the time to appreciate the time we spend with others those moments are more precious.

We may not be able to change our past, but we have control of our future. We can change how we ‘spend’ our time.

Time is An Asset

Time is an Asset
  • Take time to listen
  • Take time to be present
  • Take time to give back
  • Take time to stand up
  • Spend time with those that listen
  • Spend time with those that are present
  • Spend time with those that give back
  • Spend time to stand up with you

Time is the biggest gift you can give to yourself and others.

Spend your time wisely – it will run out one day.

Take the time to focus on you….you are worth it.


Need Help with finding the time – and the right focus on priorities, or maybe you just need help. Drop me an email and let’s chat about how I can coach you towards achieving your goals and dreams.

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