Blank Slate,  Business Coaching,  Home Office Logistics,  Life Coaching

Working From Home Fail

Seven months ago I posted an LinkedIn article about Working from Home! It had reference to specifically ‘how to work from home.’ And I wrote one here about setting up your work space – same idea.

Did I know this was pandemic lock down was coming? Heck no!

I wrote ‘Working from Home” at a time when the house was only ‘busy’ on weekends and after dinner when we are trying to get some sort of work done.

Yes even Business and Life Coaches can fail! I was recently reminded that cooks don’t always cook at home, and massage therapists still climb ladders awkwardly, so it is okay for a Coach to be human and not follow their own advice.…sometimes

Oh How the Times Have Changed

Today it is 24/7 we all have our family with us! Our new normal of working at home is nothing like the past! Privacy is a thing of the past. A quiet house is only before 6:30 am, and after 11:00 pm. Even the dog doesn’t know quiet anymore.

How My How to “Work at Home” Office Has Changed

For me personally my cute desk that was in the window facing the world outside watching the light traffic of retired neighbours walking by has been taken over by the Husband. For the past month MY desk has been physically moved to our bedroom – a room where the door can be locked and he can have privacy for his calls (he read the article 🤦‍♀️ working from home).

The kids are mainly working on their school-work on a foldout table that I have pulled up from the basement – a table usually reserved for large family and friend gatherings. I added a table cloth to spruce it up – it doesn’t really help with the make shift classroom look.

How to work from home – The Real world

The banquet table is where my desk would have been in the front window. The daily small crowd of retires have been replaced with every neighbour in our ‘hood’ escaping for their homes for daily (and sometimes hourly) walks. So much foot traffic – which is a nice distraction.

Boundaries are not set in the house – as of yet. Not only do they have my ‘old’ office space areas, they have spread out their “work” in the kitchen, living room and sometimes in their own rooms.


I will admit I DID not follow my own advice in the article about working from home in the first couple of weeks of lock down. Mom/Me was at everyone’s disposal for all ‘their’ needs. My own business, and even self-care needs, were put on the back burner. 

To be honest I had legit ditched my business and focused on their business- 24/7. 

If you are like me It is okay to be frustrated! But once the frustration is acknowledged it is NOW time to do something about it. No more silent complaining (whining, bitching) – it is time to take action and focus on you and YOUR work.

New Game Plan for How to Work from Home

I WILL be changing the way I look and manage at my business, and how I ‘work from home’. My business IS my priority.

My goal – and Plan – setting up a schedule that works for me (and the family). If I don’t take control this lock down has won over me. So we have to take control – we all do. I need to own my own shit and be accountable to my work and passion…just as much as everybody else.

Quick Tips – for How to work from home during a pandemic

Yes I know we are ALL sick of tips and tricks at this time – so I am keeping this very simple and obvious.

  1. Schedule your time – yes your time.
  2. Advise your family of your priorities and schedule.
  3. Stick to your schedule.
  4. Don’t alter your schedule.

Stay safe my friends!


📷 Unsplash – @minhphamdesign@benchaccounting

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