SelfCare Tools
Journal Workbook for you to kick off your Journaling Journey

Of course I continue to give away all the tools that I think work – and that I think my tribe would want. So Let’s talk about this free Journal Workbook.

Over the past couple of years I have gotten the question ‘I want to journal, but I don’t know how start’. Personally all you need is a pen and paper, but for some they need something more tangible and that has more structure. So I have designed a Journal Workbook to keep it simple to get your started.

I Personally used something similar when I started doing my own self-reflection about a previous job and its challenges. By working through my journal workbook helped me find clarity in my thinking – and better direction in what I wanted to do.

Blog: Starting Your Journal Practice – Article on how to just START journaling. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Journaling to find clarity and to find direction.
Insight into Journaling

I believe in the power of self-awareness and self reflection as a tool to developing our own inner voice. By listening to our internal guide, we come to understand are and what we need out of this world – both from ourselves and those around us. The foundation of ourselves is so important, yet easily moved to the bottom of our priorities. We learn to prioritize self-care as a means to helping ourselves, others, and the world at large.

Are you spending enough time focusing on yourself daily or weekly?

Download your FREE workbook Journal

Need help getting started or have questions – drop me an email. Journal should be fun – and a great opportunity to get to know YOU better.

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